0. When do classes start?
1. where are the classes held?
Currently, classes are held in ballet and sports halls:
a) WBS - the Willy Brandt Polish-German School for Meeting and Dialogue at 3 Ledóchowska Street, 02-972 Warsaw Wilanów, near the Temple of Providence (in the schedule as WBS).
b) MASTER DANCE Space, ul. Marconich 3, lok. LU-B, Warszawa Wilanów
Remember to make sure where your classes are held!
2. can I take individual classes?
Oczywiście! Koszt pojedynczych zajęć to:
45min – 60 zł
60min – 70 zł
75min – 85 zł
90min – 100 zł
Every Dancer who comes to us for the first time is invited to a free demonstration lesson.
In order to participate in the demonstration lesson, you need to apply by email to In response you will receive all logistical information.
3. how long are the classes and how often do they take place?
Most classes last 60 minutes. Some groups have classes once a week, while others train two or three times a week or more often.
It all depends on how intense you want to train. We will be happy to help you choose the best group. Give us a call or sign up for a demonstration lesson and talk to the Instructor after class!
4. can I sign up for classes if I have never danced before?
Yes, we have classes for beginners of all ages.
5 What does the monthly premium cover?
Payment of the membership fee in a given month entitles you to enter all classes assigned to a particular group until the end of that month. The monthly membership fee is 1/10 of the fee for a 10-month training cycle.
6. can I join the group during the month? Will my first premium be lower because of this?
Oczywiście! Istnieje możliwość dołączenia do grupy w każdym momencie miesiąca i semestru. W przypadku dołączenia do grupy później niż przed pierwszymi zajęciami w danym miesiącu (szczególnie w drugiej części miesiąca), prosimy o kontakt z Nami, w celu ustalenia kwoty składki za pierwszy miesiąc. Twoja pierwsza składka będzie proporcjonalna, w zależności od liczby zajęć pozostałych do wykorzystania w danym miesiącu.
In the second and subsequent months, the premium is the same and according to the price list, regardless of the length of the month or the number of classes per month, within the selected group.
7. are there family discounts?
The family discount is 5% for the second and 10% for the third additional child. The discount is available to the Participant paying the lower membership fee. Remember that late payments are not eligible for discounts.
8. Czy mogę dołączyć do grupy turniejowej?
Tournament groups are closed groups and can be accessed through:
- Recommendation of the group instructor and the Academy manager;
- Casting or audition - held periodically or individually at the request of the candidate. All questions will be answered by phone or email.
Jeżeli chcesz podnieść swoje umiejętności taneczne na wyższy poziom i jeździć na zawody razem z Master Team Kids, Master Team Junior lub Beat Breakers Team skontaktuj się z nami jak najszybciej. Czekamy na Ciebie!
9. Czy koleżanka z innego zespołu lub nietańcząca może pojechać razem ze mną na obóz?
Sure! 🙂 If you are of different ages or levels, you may not be practicing in the same group at all your dance classes.
10. Jak mam przygotować się na zajęcia?
We advise you to appear at the venue at least 15 minutes before the start of the class. Attire should be athletic, casual and not restricting movement. Even if the instructor doesn't require it, it's a good idea to warm up before the class starts. This way you will best prepare your body for training, avoid injury and get the most out of the class!
11. Co zabrać ze sobą na zajęcia?
Bring a training outfit (ballet and acrobatics - a tight costume that allows the instructor to observe your body work), dance shoes or socks appropriate to the style of dance, and a closed and signed water bottle.
12. W jaki sposób mogę zapisać się na zajęcia?
Registration for the course can be done by contacting the Academy - in person, by phone, through the form on our website or by email at
13. Czy rodzice mogą być obecni na zajęciach?
Parents are invited to shows, semester and end-of-year concerts. By arrangement with the group's instructor, especially in the case of young children, parents may be given permission to participate in a portion of the class.
14. Czy mogę uczestniczyć w warsztatach lub w obozie, jeżeli nie jestem uczniem Master Dance Academy?
Of course, our workshops and camps are open to anyone who is interested, you don't have to be a student of the Academy.
15. W jaki sposób mogę umówić się na lekcję indywidualną?
To schedule a lesson, contact the Academy by phone or email.
Person responsible for the schedule of individual lessons: Dominika Stróżewska, phone: 693 855 130.